Raja Ampat

"Four Kings"


64,141 according to the 2020 census.

8,034 square kilometers.

Equator, Indonesian province of West Papua.

The Raja Ampat archipelago is part of the Indonesian province of West Papua and consists of over 1,500 islands. The remoteness of this region makes it so special! The number of tourists is very small, the area does not suffer from overpopulation, pollution or development and is one of those places that have managed to preserve the pristine beauty of nature.

    • The main islands are Misool, Salavati, Batanta and Waigeo.
    • Distance to the capital of Indonesia Jakarta: more than 2700 kilometers.
    • Distance to Bali: over 1900 kilometers.
    • Religions: Christianity and Islam.
    The archipelago includes four large islands: Misool, Salawati, Batanta and Waigeo, as well as a number of other islands, including Arborek, Gam, Cree, Friven, Mansuar, Kofiau, Pam and others.

    The islands are not a place for mass tourism, there are several guest houses, as well as a luxurious island resort Misool Eco Resort with white sand beaches and pristine coral reefs.

    Misool Eco Resort

    1/2 DBL Пример цены

    от 3470 долларов США за 7 ночей
    от 4425 долларов США за 9 ночей
    от 5820 долларов США за 12 ночей

    *Все пакеты включают полный пансион и включают:
    • размещение
    • четырехразовое питание + полдник
    • самые безалкогольные напитки
    • цикл вечерних образовательных лекций в The Hive
    • Трансфер из аэропорта Соронг и услуги носильщика
    • государственный налог, возможны изменения
    • проживание и завтрак в Соронге на одну ночь после вашего пребывания в Мисуле в запланированные даты трансфер
    Максимальная вместимость 40 человек
    Персонал 4x1
    The wild flora and fauna of the land of Raja Ampat will not leave indifferent any visitor to these places. Among the many impenetrable rainforest jungles with palm trees, mangrove trees and orchids of all shapes and colors on the islands, you can find various types of birds, including the amazing Cendrawasih or Bird of Paradise . As well as endemic species of marsupials such as Waigeo cuscus (Waigeou cuscus) or Waigeo spotted cuscus (Spilocuscus papuensis) , and tree kangaroos.

    Raja Ampat has the richest coral reef ecosystem in the world! There are 4 times more hard corals here than in the entire Caribbean!

    You can relax in Raja Ampat throughout the year: in Indonesia it is warm all year round, and the water temperature is always in the range of 28-30 degrees. However, the best time is from October to May.

    Sale of Raja Ampat Island

    1 hectare - 220 000 c.u.*

    *Land in Indonesia only for long-term lease from 30 years.
    Average payback of 5 years.

    Taxes: 10% of turnover + 2% of profits,
    Minimum salary. $ 210,
    Notary services: 1% of the contract amount,
    Geodesy (checking the island, cadastre and building opportunities) - $ 200.
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    Whether you are an avid diver, an inexperienced diver or just someone who appreciates beauty in all its forms, Raja Ampat invites you to Heaven on Earth.